The fertilisers we use are:
- Organic
- Improve soil microbial activity
- Improve soil health and CEC (cation exchange capacity)
- Family and pet friendly
- Proven to give outstanding results
- Used on top quality professional sports turf
Does your lawn need some help?
Contact us today and see how we can help you achieve (and maintain) a better lawn
Why Fertilise?
– Because your lawn gets mowed
Mowing is a serious drain on the soil’s reserve of major nutrients, nitrogen becomes exhausted quite quickly whereas phosphates and potash will reduce more slowly. Unless reserves are replaced you will find your grass will turn pale, thin and sparse.
– Because your lawn gets used
Chances are that grass is the only plant in your garden that regularly gets walked on like carpet and possibly gets used played on regularly by pets and children. Even though grass is tolerant (what other plant could put up with this use) all this wear and tear takes its toll on your lawn, its needs all the help it can get to recover and repair. Feeding your lawn is essential to keep your lawn healthy and hard wearing.
– Because it will look better
A lawn that has a regular feeding programme looks better than one that does not. Your lawn will be thicker and greener, a thicker lawn will be better at smothering and repelling weeds and moss. Your lawn will also have deeper roots meaning that it will have a better resistance to drought and disease.
Ensuring that your lawn gets the right amount of feed at the right time of the year is integral to your lawn being healthy and lush throughout the year. We only use the very best professional grade compound fertiliser for our customer’s lawns throughout the seasons. The results from us fertilising your lawn will be much more than just making the grass look greener, our main objective is to produce a closely knit turf in which neither weeds nor moss can obtain a ready foothold.
You’ll not only find that your lawn will be more attractive due to its deeper green colour, but just as importantly, it will have also built up a resistance to drought and disease.
Your own bespoke lawn feeding programme
Following our assessment of your lawn and discussing your objectives we’ll recommend a lawn feeding programme specific to your lawn’s requirements. In addition to feeding your lawn with different dosages of nitrogen, phosphates and potassium (NPK) we’ll also replenish your lawn’s reserves of other important nutrients for a season-long healthy lawn including: zinc, manganese, copper, and magnesium.
Spring (March – May)
Spring is the time to focus on new growth and rejuvenation when feeding your lawn. That is why the spring fertiliser we use is a slow release organo-mineral fertiliser with a high level of nitrogen. In this growing season your lawn will require more nitrogen throughout spring to stimulate impressive leaf growth, without enough nitrogen your lawn will grow slowly, becoming yellow. With too much nitrogen your lawn will grow too rapidly resulting in a heavy build up of thatch which can lead to disease and drought problems.
Early Summer (May – July)
Summer can be harsh on lawns, with a high risk of drought it is important your lawn is given the right nutrients to keep its vigour and freshness. Early summer feeding will prepare your lawn for the summer months, helping your lawn grow strong and healthy as the temperature rises and build its resistance to drought and weeds. The early summer fertiliser we use has zero phosphate and additional magnesium to provide a fresh summer colour to your lawn.
Late Summer (July – Sept)
This is the perfect time to replenish your lawn’s reserves of important nutrients that have been used as your lawn has grown rapidly throughout spring and early summer. The late summer feed we use will strengthen your lawn and keep it looking a healthy thick green as well as keeping it strong against drought and giving it a helping hand for the last remaining warmer months as we go into autumn and winter.
Autumn/Winter (Sept – Nov)
Throughout the autumn and winter your lawn will transition into dormancy and because of this a much lower dose of nitrogen is required. As the days get colder and the sunlight reduces, focus should be put on establishing better, stronger roots. The reduction in nitrogen reduces soft growth and in turn the risk of disease whilst the high potassium content helps to harden turf against fungal pathogens and low temperature stress.
The main nutrients your lawn needs:
For greener grass and stimulates grass growth. Essential feed for the lawn, it produces a rich green and a vigorous turf which is ideal for spring and summer.
Stimulates healthy growth and hardens the grass, making it less susceptible to drought, disease and discoloration.
Builds up the root system, an essential feed which stimulates production of a rigours root system which is important for not only an attractive lawn but one with a resistance to drought and disease.