It takes a bit longer and some practice but you can really take your lawn to the next level by giving it that wide stripe professional look using your own mower, providing of course your lawn mower has a rubber flap or roller to flatten the grass – which gives it that nice striped effect.
Here’s how to mow double width stripes in your lawn:
Firstly remember that ‘white is right’ (correct not left/right), if in doubt follow the white line back to where you started.
Remembering ‘white is right’ will help you if you get lost.
1. Start out by cutting your normal first line, usually easier starting in the middle unless you have a even shaped lawn. If you’re struggling to keep straight focus on a static object in the distance and aim for that.
2. Create a new stripe, just like normal.
3. Go back up the second stripe the other way, you’ve just completed your first double width stripe!
4. Create a new stripe.
5. Go back up the double white stripe to repeat the process.
6. Create your second double wide stripes.
When you’re feeling confident you’ve cracked it try diagonal and double diagonal for a diamond effect.
Here’s an infographic I’ve put together to help visualise what you need to do.
Any questions let me know –